Thursday, October 31, 2019

Critical appraisal of a Harrogate Stakeholder framework Essay

Critical appraisal of a Harrogate Stakeholder framework - Essay Example The skills required for organizations of such events include a competitive bidding process, incentives and reward schemes and exposure to risks. Knowledge of appropriate marketing tools such as virtual events that allows people to participate in destination events by obtaining materials from the web is vital. As a leading British conference and exhibition town, Harrogate’s poor infrastructure is detrimental to its status as an International event destination. Poor transport links and lack of hotel rooms caused one of the major visitor organizations to change its destination to Manchester. In working with other stakeholders groups, the destination will benefit a lot. This is so because, the government will act as a catalyst in speeding up the destinations promotion, through policy and legislative formulations as well as funding. Since there lacks good service link of the town with other major towns such as London, while traffic congestion is huge during major events, the collaboration of the destination with the government and other relevant authorities will see it benefit in terms of improved transport facilities. Other organizations such as the Puma hotel will enable t provide ample facilities to satisfy its clientele and build a good reputation for more visits from other differen t groups. There are two major aspects that can be applied to ensure that this Event Destination is no longer in a losing end. The application of the Inter-organizational Relationship and Organization theory, coupled with the Gartrell’s destination team model. Harrogate is a popular destination due to its exhibition halls, integrated and sophisticated conference, excellent accommodation, spacious parklands and gardens, hotels, bars and restaurants located in close proximity, its competitiveness is deterred by the transport infrastructure. Compared to the city of Manchester which has convention facilities, range of accommodation and convenient transport infrastructure, the town of Harrogate is not as competitive. The city of Manchester has been ranked one of the world's most successful conference destinations (Danny, 1977 p181). According to the Inter-organizational Relationship and Organization theory, the role of stakeholders in an organization ranges from that of cooperating with the organization to that of threatening the organization. An organization cannot be self sufficient, and as such has to depend on its interaction with other organizations and the stakeholders in order to have its activities as a success. The dependence of the organization on the said organizations or stakeholders is determined by the control that the stakeholder has over the resources, which are vital for the existence and running of the organization in question (Sheehan and Ritchie, 2004 p4). Since stakeholders are referred to as those entities that affect or are affected by the operations and the outcomes of an organization, then there is a need to analyze how the different stakeholders are party to the operations and outcomes of thee organizational and rank them accordingly. The entities with a great effect or who are primarily affected by the organizations activities then becomes the forefront concern. While the primary stakeholders are directly involved and

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Assessment and Child Essay Example for Free

Assessment and Child Essay Assessments are very important in determining how to teach our children and where they are in terms of development. There are many types of assessments that can be beneficial in helping determine how to approach the learning style of each child as an individual instead of as a whole group. While each assessment is structurally different, they can produce results which give us insight on where our children are during different stages of their lives. There are both formal and informal assessments that can be used. â€Å"Formal assessments are norm-referenced tests that have standardized, formal procedures for administering, timing and scoring. They have been â€Å"normed† or administered to a representative sample of similar age or grade level students so that final test results can be compared to students of similar characteristics. Test results indicate a person’s relative performance in the group. These standardized tests must be administered as specified in the manual to ensure valid and reliable results†(ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation). There is another type of formal assessment called criterion-referenced test. These type of test measure what the person is able to do and indicate what skills have been mastered. A CRT compares a person’s performance with their past performances. â€Å"In criterion-referenced measurement, the emphasis is on assessing specific and relevant behaviors that have been mastered rather than indicating the relative standing in the group†(ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation). Formal assessments can prove to be beneficial as far as comparing test scores over a period of time and how the child is developing over that same period. While formal assessments are useful they also have flaws in them. Standardized test can make a child feel like pressure and anxiety. In a lot of situations when a child feels like this they will not do their best on any type of assessment. Another problem with these types of tests is that they use the same set of questions for all the children and are not sensitive to the situations that different children endure. Children who live in poor and underdeveloped environments may not be exposed to certain ways of life and may not have the same advantages of acquiring knowledge as the other children they go to school with. This will automatically put them at a disadvantage in school and on test they may take. There is another way to do an assessment that is better suited for the child and does not make them feel so uncomfortable and that is an informal assessment. An informal assessment focuses on play and observation of the child and not a test of sorts. By observing the child in a certain situation you can record how they act and how they respond to different situations and stimuli that are presented to them. You can use check-list and rating scales to record your findings and document them and file them away in a portfolio. Another way to do an informal assessment is by parent interviews. You can find out a lot of valuable information by asking the parents questions about their child. Over the past few years teachers have placed more emphasis informal testing than formal testing. â€Å"Some districts have increased the use of curriculum-based measurements(CBM). Several samples of a student’s performance are collected, using items drawn from the local curriculum, usually in basic skill subjects of reading, math, spelling and written expression. Such brief tests are called â€Å"probes†(ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation). One form of an informal assessment is the Battelle Developmental Inventory. â€Å"The Battelle Developmental Inventory is an assessment for infants and children through age seven. It is a flexible, semi-structured assessment that involves observation of the child, interviews with parents and caregivers, developmental and social history, and interaction with the child using game-like materials, toys, questionnaires, and tasks† (Logsdon). This type of assessment is used to make sure that infants and children are reaching their developmental milestones or showing early signs of learning disabilities or developmental delays. This assessment can also be used through examiner/child and parent/child interaction. Examiners observe the child’s responses and score them based on standardized criteria. The parent caregiver input is also important in the assessment because it is used to gather information about the child’s history and interactions that take place beyond the testing session. When this assessment is used to observe the toddler through preschool development it is mostly done by tasks that involve testing the child with games, toys and tasks. They observe how the child follows directions, interacts with others, and how they perform certain tasks. Parent information is used to assess areas that can’t be observed during the testing session. The performance scores are based on standardized criteria. The Battelle is used to assess five components of development. They are adaptive behavior, personal and social skills, communication including expressive and receptive language, gross and fine motor skills, and finally cognitive skills are included. The results of this assessment can be used to determine if there are delays and how significant they are based on the age group the child is in. Another good assessment tool is play-based assessment. This is simply observing the child in their natural environment. By doing this the observer is able to see interactions between the child and their peers as well as how they speak, the language they use and their motor abilities. It is good to record all this information and keep it in an ongoing portfolio. By keeping a written record of what has been observed and any areas of concern you may suspect, you will have more information to share with the parents and find the proper method of dealing with the problems. I feel there is a major advantage when you use an informal assessment as opposed to a formal one. With formal assessments you can never really tell how smart a child really is. These types of assessments are based on statistics of a large group of children not the children as individuals. Just because children do well on a test does not necessarily make them smarter than others, it simply means they have better test taking skills. There are lots of times that the smartest people do horrible on tests just because they suffer from anxiety and get nervous. You can take the same kids that do poorly on a test and give them an informal assessment where they feel comfortable and you will get different results. Standardized tests are not a reliable means of assessing intelligence based on the fact stated above. These types of tests are often overused in this country and they do not take into account the comfort level or socioeconomic background of the child being tested. These play a more important role in test taking than the test itself. This is the number one reason kids are misdiagnosed for having  learning disabilities and other disorders such as ADHD. I also feel that a good relationship with the parents is essential in determining the educational needs of the child. No one knows their children better than the parents or caregivers. They are the ones who spend the most time with the children and can fill you in on patterns of behavior not seen during a certain test taking session. Parents are the most important resources you can obtain information from when dealing with children. I would strive to keep the parents informed of everything that was going on with their child and how to help them with anything that raised a red flag. The parents should always be informed when an assessment is going to be used. A parent could be upset when their child is going to be tested for a development problem without their consent. If you explain the process and how it can help to determine if the child is developmentally behind it can ease the parent’s mind and make everyone more comfortable. I feel that assessments can be beneficial if they are conducted in the proper manner. Making a child feel more comfortable in their environment is the best way to truly assess them and find out if they are lagging in certain areas of development. It is equally important to always keep the parents involved in all decisions affecting their child and the processes used to assess them. The information used by assessments can help make sure children are developmentally on track, just remember the most important factor is the comfort level of the child. Without assessments a plan of action cannot be implemented or executed if the child is behind in any facet of development. Bibliography Logsdon Ann. Testing for Infant and Toddler Development. About. com Guide. http://learningdisabilities. about. com/od/intelligencetests/p/battelledevelop. htm. Accessed on December 10, 2012. ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment and Evaluation. Assessments for Young Children. 1999. http://www. 1donline. org/article /6040/ Accessed December 10, 2012. Sue C. Wortham (2012). Assessment in Early Childhood Education. 6th ed.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Saint Anselm’s Ontological Argument Analysis

Saint Anselm’s Ontological Argument Analysis Barbara Nalls Thesis: In this paper I will investigate Saint Anselm’s Ontological Argument in order to make an attempt at establishing some clear evidence to answer this question; Did Saint Anselm believe in GOD? Argument: Saint Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury (1033-1109), is the creator of the ontological argument. Saint Anselm’s ontological argument is distinctive from other arguments that attempt to prove that it is the existence of God, the creator, and not just some abstract entity that is being defined. Saint Anselm’s argument reads as follows: In my opinion, while Saint Anselm was a deep thinker, he was even more so, in this case, a deeper writer. I believe the common reader should be able to see the soundness of an argument, so that they may be able toaccept or reject the writer’s position. I think the Ontological Argument of Saint Anselm is unclear because the writing style is confusing and it needs to be more understandable. Maybe a simpler script or updated version of Saint Anselm’s message would clarify his position to ordinary readers like me. Based on Cliffords comment It is never lawful to stifle a doubt, for either it can be honestly answered by means of the inquiry already made, or else it proves that the inquiry was not complete, 2(Encountering the Real,pg. 502). Speak of the devil! Saint Anselm does have a 2nd version of his Ontological Argument, and it states: With all that being said, this version of Saint Anselm’s argument is also about as clear as mud! However, by definition, God is a being than which none greater can be imagined, is now more properly put as follows: Objection(s): Along with his 1st Argument, Saint Anselm’s 2nd version of the Ontological Argument is also believed to have failed in its efforts to clearly state his position to his readers/audience, according to some of his peers. The following names are some of Saint Anselm’s peers along with the some other writers who sighted their objections to the clarity and understandability of his Ontological Argument. Monk, Gaunilo of Marmoutier, a contemporary of Saint Anselm, expressed an important criticism against Saint Anselm’s Ontological Argument. Monk Gaunilo states that Saint Anselm is basically defining things into existence. Monk Gaunilo remarks that he believes this practice is unacceptable. Monk Gaunilo thinks that by using Saint Anselm’s method of argument authors could simply employ such tactics in an attempt to argue and even confirm the existence of all sorts of non-existent things. Saint Thomas Aquinas (1224-1274) wrote that God’s existence is self-evident. Saint Thomas Aquinas believed that since many people have different thoughts of God, Saint Anselm’s Ontological Argument works only to sway those people who would define the idea of God the same way or have the same concepts of God. In Saint Thomas Aquinas’s view he believed, even if everyone had the same concept of God â€Å"it does not therefore follow that he understands what the word signifies exists actually, but only that it exists mentally.† In Saint Thomas Aquinas’ understanding he points out that when we try to connect the phrase â€Å"a being than which none greater can be imagined† with more familiar predictable concepts they don’t help us to get an in depth view of God. Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) directs his famous objection at the third premise of Saint Anselm’s Ontological Argument. This is where Saint Anselm makes the claim that a being that exists as an idea in someone’s mind as well as in reality, is greater than if that being exists only as an idea in just their mind alone. Based on Saint Anselm’s premise number three, existence is what’s understood to be a great-making property or, as sometimes referred to, a perfection. Premise three thus explains that (a) existence is a property; and (b) to characterize existence makes a thing better, if all things are equal, than it would have been otherwise. Immanuel Kant rejects premise three on the ground that, as a purely formal matter, existence does not function as a predicate. While Kant’s criticism is phrased a bit obscurely in terms of thelogicof predicates and copulas, it also makes a conceivable metaphysical point. Existence is not a property like the way that b eing red is a property of an apple. Instead existence is a precondition for the exemplification of things in the sense that, it is not possible for a non-existent thing to exemplify any properties because there is nothing that such a property can stick itself to. Nothing has no qualities whatsoever. To say thatxexemplifies or instantiates a propertyPis hence to presuppose thatxexists. So, with this line of reasoning, existence isn’t a great-making property because it is not a property at all; it is rather a metaphysically necessary condition for the instantiation of any properties. Okay, Immanuel Kant also writes like Saint Anselm, way too deep for the poor little old average readers like me! Responses(s): In response to Saint Anselm’s Ontological Argument, other writers have made modal versions to express their thoughts about his ontological argument, below are two of those responses. The first response to Saint Anselm’s Ontological Argument comes from: (â€Å"Anselm’s Ontological Argument,†Philosophical Review, vol.69, no.1 (1960), 41-62 by Norman Malcolm). According to Malcolm’s view, the existence of an unlimited being is said to be either rationally necessary or logically not possible. Norman Malcolm’s argument for this claim is either that an unlimited being exists or that an unlimited being does not exist; by his logic there are no other possibilities. Reducing Malcom’s argument to its basic elements it would read as follows: The next response to Saint Anselm’s Ontological Argument is from Alvin Plantinga, (God, Freedom, and Evil(New York: Harper and Row, 1974). Plantinga complains that Saint Anselm’s argument is remarkably unconvincing if not downright irritating; he says that it looks too much like a parlor puzzle or some kind of word magic riddle. Not surprisingly, Alvin Plantinga shares my feelings about Saint Anselm’s writings. Finally, here is my response to Saint Anselm’s Ontological Argument. In just my lowly opinion, I think a person who writes in riddles is not out to teach as much as they are out to prove how smart they are. God does not need our help to show his existence, we need His help to see that He exists. This to me is like a child trying to prove they have parents, the process is self-evident. I am, so they are! Conclusion: Per Anselm A being thatnecessarilyexists in reality is greater than a being that does notnecessarilyexist. Thus, by definition, if God exists as an idea in the mind but does not necessarily exist in reality, then we can imagine something that is greater than God. But we cannot imagine something that is greater than God. Thus, if God exists in the mind as an idea, then God necessarily exists in reality. God exists in the mind as an idea. Therefore, God necessarily exists in reality.† In reaction to the above riddle, I investigated several sources to establish clear evidence to answer the question, â€Å"Did Saint Anselm believe in GOD?† My findings were; Saint Anselm wrote, in his 1st version of his ontological argument â€Å"†¦ there is no doubt that there exists a being, than which nothing greater can be conceived, and it exists both in the understanding and in reality.† 1(Anselm, In the 2nd version of his Ontological Argument Saint Anselm states: â€Å"God is that, than which nothing greater can be conceived.†¦ And [God] assuredly exists so truly, that it cannot be conceived not to exist†¦ There is, then, so truly a being than which nothing greater can be conceived to exist, that it cannot even be conceived not to exist; and this being thou art, O Lord, our God.† So the answer is YES, Anselm believed that God does exist. Citations: 1(Anselm, 2(Encountering the Real,pg. 502) 3(Malcolm, Norman, â€Å"Anselm’s Ontological Argument,†Philosophical Review, vol. 69, no. 1 (1960), 41-62) 4(Plantinga, Alvin,God, Freedom, and Evil(New York: Harper and Row, 1974) Bibliography: Anselm, St.,Anselm’s Basic Writings, translated by S.W. Deane, 2ndEd. (La Salle, IL: Open Court Publishing Co., 1962) Anselm: Ontological Argument for God’s Existence, Davenport, Ronald. Saintleo, Modules 1- 4 Lecture Notes. Aquinas, Thomas, St.,Summa Theologica(1a Q2), â€Å"Whether the Existence of God is Self- Evident (Thomas More Publishing, 1981) Kant, Immanuel,Critique of Pure Reason, translated by J.M.D. Meiklejohn (New York: Colonial Press, 1900) Malcolm, Norman, â€Å"Anselm’s Ontological Argument,†Philosophical Review, vol. 69, no. 1 (1960), 41-62 Plantinga, Alvin,God, Freedom, and Evil(New York: Harper and Row, 1974) Saint Leo University. Encountering the Real. 2013 ed. New York: Cengage Custom. Print

Friday, October 25, 2019

Technology in the film Tron Essay -- Film Movie Tron Technology Essays

Technology in the film Tron Introduction The purpose of my project is to discover how technology is represented within the film Tron. To answer this research question, I viewed and analyzed the movie and incorporated information from the text and various websites. While studying this film, I took into consideration factors such as images and language used, how technology is related to society, and what symbols the creator used to convey certain qualities of technology. In this research paper, I will begin by explaining the significance of this project and my areas of research. I will then relay the focus of my investigation, the methods I employed to gain my research, analyze the film, and discuss the implications of my analysis. I will conclude with a summary of the main points. Rationale and focus A film such as Tron, with a plot that centers on science and technology, is an important artifact to study because it demonstrates our capabilities and understandings of technology in 1982, when the film was released. It also illuminates societal views of technology in the 1980s, and possible debates over proper uses of technology. It serves as an example of the manner in which technology was communicated to the public at that particular time. In my Rhetoric and Public Life class I learned that artifacts such as Tron are part of our social construction of reality. I have learned that popular culture and the film influence each other. I now have an overall understanding of how technology was represented in the movie. I first prepared for this project by researching the movie on the Internet. I found that Tron has several websites dedicated to it, one of which is maintained by a fan named Guy Gordon. From this si... ... symbols the creator used to convey certain qualities of technology, I discovered that technology is represented in this movie as a threat to society. By incorporating course concepts, I realize that people often have this reaction when encountering a new medium. I have also learned that there are many benefits, as well as drawbacks to this medium, but it is neither the destroyer of civilization nor the savior of impending doom. It is important to understand how it fits into our lives. References Adams, Tyrone and Clark, Norman, (2001). The Internet: Effective Online Communication. Harcourt College Publishers. Gordon, Guy, (2002). The Tron Page. Retrieved February 20, 2002 from the World Wide Web: Mcoran-Campbell, Adrian, Tron. The Unorthodox Reel. Retrieved March 26, 2002 from the World Wide Web:

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Historical Importance and Latest Findings of the Great Wall of China

( Use related studies, other published or online stuff to analyse the selected site ) Introduction ( 250 ) The Great Wall was reckoned as the universe ‘s largest human-made construction made up of rock, bricks and earthen plants whose building started every bit early as the seventh century BC. Originally, it was used in many intents but the most important was to move as a boundary line control that comprised of ticker towers, fort station and troop quarters etc. It has received acknowledgment by doing the World Heritage List in 1987 of its cultural values in Chinese history. In recent decennary, archaeologists put attempts in look intoing the existent length of the Wall by using field walking, remote feeling and stratigraphy to look for archeological potency in nearby countries. It has contributed to a drastic alteration for the universe to acknowledge an even larger building undertaking in China. Over the old ages, it has been pulling tourers from all around the Earth to witness this olympian munition. In malice of their eternal captivation towards the most reckonable antediluvian wall, many were inconsiderate in littering that sparked arguments in its saving work. Furthermore, the Great Wall is praised by its profound value in Chinese history, act as a strong symbol and historical grounds for people to determine past events. In the followers, it will discourse its historical importance, recent unearthed findings, saving work and cultural v alues to analyse its relationship of yesteryear and nowadays. Standards of WHL [ Danny ] Harmonizing to the World Heritage Convention, there are 10 standards for the universe heritage choice. Six of them are civilization standards and four of them are natural standards. The commission will measure the heritage site based on this 10 standards. If the heritage sites list on the WHL, â€Å"sites must be of outstanding cosmopolitan value and meet at least one out of 10 standards ( UNSECO, n.d. ) † . The Great Wall is the civilization site that list on the WHL and it meets five out of six civilization standards of choice. In add-on, the Great Wall meets standards ( I ) , ( two ) , ( three ) , ( four ) and ( six ) . So, the Great Wall is a heritage site that contains outstanding cosmopolitan value. Therefore, the Great Wall has been listed on the WHL at 1987. The standard ( I ) is â€Å"to represent a chef-d'oeuvre of human originative mastermind ( UNSECO, n.d. ) † . The Great Wall is a chef-d'oeuvre because it is the lone human custodies built building on the Earth that human can see it from the infinite ( UNSECO, n.d. ) . The length of it is larger than 20,000 kilometres and all built by human custodies. So, it shows the human originative mastermind in edifice this immense graduated table building. For the standard ( two ) , the heritage site shows the important interchange in the human values. The human values of Chinese spread to the northern frontier in the period of Chunqiu. The Great Wall reinforces the Sinicism by the transportation of population ( UNSECO, n.d. ) . Some of the Chinese and alien from north lived near the Great Wall and the civilization intergradation shows the interchange in the human values. For the standard ( three ) , the heritage site provides particular or of import groundss to the civilisation. The Great Wall provides particular or of import groundss to â€Å"the rammed-earth subdivisions of munitions dating from the Western Han ( UNSECO, n.d. ) † . Some subdivisions of the Great Wall are made of the rammed-earth which is the old constructional stuff. For the standard ( four ) , the heritage site is an outstanding theoretical account for edifices, architectural manner or trade. Since the Great Wall is the longest and oldest military building in the World, it is an outstanding theoretical account for military building. In 220 B.C. , Qin Shi Huang built the first military construction-the Great Wall of the Qin dynasty to protect the state ( UNSECO, n.d. ) . In the ulterior dynasties, they besides built this sort of military building to forestall the incursion from the North. Therefore, The Great Wall is an outstanding theoretical account for munitions and it served as military intent for 2,000 old ages. For the standard ( six ) , the heritage site is associated with the literary work of outstanding world-wide significance. â€Å"The Great Wall has an uncomparable symbolic significance in the history of China ( UNSECO, n.d. ) † . We can happen the Great Wall this symbolic significance in many Chinese literary plants in Tang dynasty such as the verse form of Tu Fu ( 712-770 ) ( UNSECO, n.d. ) . As a cultural heritage site, the Great Wall does non run into the standards ( V ) . Harmonizing to the demand, the heritage site on the WHL merely need to run into at least one standard. The other five standards have cogent evidence that the Great Wall is qualified and worthy to name on the WHL. Excavation [ Kelly’s ] Even though the Great Wall still remains in China, archeologists have found assorted agencies to analyze sites around the Great Wall in command to seek its cultural significance. In fact, the most outstanding survey was the usage of Google Earth and C dating that helped in detecting a lost section of the Wall back in 2011 in Southern Mongolia ( Owen, 2012 ) . Initially, the archeologists were look intoing typographic hints seen in Google Earth through orbiter exposure. Via remote feeling, they were able to confer with ancient historical texts to analyse these satellite imagination. Interestingly, they merely discovered a staying piece of fossil alternatively of skull and big femur. With this grounds in head, archeologists thought that the Wall must be in a much extended length. Similarly, carbon 14 dating had shown partially exposed wood and rope remains ; the building was so assumed to be went on for over 100s of old ages or even more than a thousand old ages subsequently, about from 1040 to 1160. As a consequence, they widely supposed that Western Xia dynasty constructed the Wall on the site ( Owen, 2012 ) . Excavation is hence really indispensable in set uping an approximative day of the month of the yesteryear for archeological sites. Up until now in 2015, archeologists have been analyzing archive exposures, historical paperss and field walking to detect more and more parts of the Great Wall that have non been publically seeable. One squad of experts in Northwestern China discovered a new subdivision of wall which is comprised of rammed Earth whereas some parts were even built on top of mountain scopes and spread along vales ; it was found chiefly between Jingyuan Country and Nanchangtan small town. In historical paperss, they came to a consensus that Emperor Qin demanded the Great Wall had to run across Gansu state, Ningxia and Mongolia. However, some ruins were found shorter than usual that the archeologists believed it was because of natural debasement. In this instance, the Great Wall can be seen as different constructions built through both Northern and Southern Mongolia from start to complete, and existed over a twosome of dynasties ( Chow and Chan, 2015 ) . All in all, from the above dating methods and analytical survey of the Great Wall, many published stuffs have told the universe how the Great Wall is really more extended ; it surely was a ground-breaking intelligence for archeologists and tourers every bit good. In peculiar, Google Earth was deeply applied in the survey as it proved its scientific values in making archeological research. Under these fortunes, archeology can be seen as a stepping rock for the Chinese to hold deeper apprehensions of Chinese history and even the cultural transmutation in their ain topographic point. From larning about the past emperors, the Chinese can besides heighten their sense of belonging with ascendants and portion amongst coevalss. Preservation Presently, sing the saving of the Great Wall, several steps are undergoing. Patrol Teams Harmonizing to an article found on China daily, an official patrolling squad is being organized to look into against the harm of the gigantic construction. This policing squad will concentrate on the subdivision in Beijing, which is 630km long, including the most popular subdivision of the Great Wall, Badaling. ( http: //, 2006 ) As mentioned by Yu Ping, deputy manager of the Beijing Municipal Administration of Cultural Heritage, members of this squad will normally be rural occupants who live near the Wall, and will be paid by local authoritiess. Apart from the patrol squad, a buffer zone would besides be drawn to assist protect the Great Wall, as announced by the Chinese disposal. This buffer zone will take up to three old ages to be finished. At nowadays, merely a general criterion runing from 500 meters to 2 kilometers off from the Wall is designated as a buffer zone to protect it. Change in Law to protect the Great Wall Back in Sep. 20 of 2006, the State Council have promulgated ordinances sing the protection of the Great Wall, which have come into consequence on Dec. 1 of the same twelvemonth ( hypertext transfer protocol: // lib=law & A ; id=5635 & A ; CGid= , 2006 ) . The jurisprudence will concentrate on protecting the Great Wall, with its affiliated edifices and environing enviornment. For illustration, from August 2003 onwards, tramps and tourers will non be permitted to research unprotected subdivisions of the Great Wall. Harmonizing to an article found on Travel China Guide, The intent of the ordinance are to assist modulate visitor’s and local resident’s behaviours when sing the Wall. For illustration, article 18 of the ordinance forbits activites such as illegal organisations of activities and taking off points related to the Great Wall. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // , 2006 ) Restoration Attempts Back in March of 2004, the initial stage of redevelopment on the subdivision known as Huanghuacheng had begun. Harmonizing to an article found on China Daily, â€Å"it includes rehabilitating 13 crenelations, two Gatess and 3,300 meters of wall on a four-kilogreat wall from the spacemetre stretch.† ( http: //, 2005 ) Mei Ninghua, manager of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Cultural Heritage, besides mentioned that this redevelopment undertaking is scheduled to be carried out in three stages and would be at least 12 million kwai. To add on, Luo Zhewen, an expert on ancient architecture besides noted that original stuffs and traditional techniques should be used every bit much as possible, otherwise, the word â€Å"preservation† could non be fulfilled. Improvement However, merely as the saving work is undergoing, harm to the Wall are still going serious. Presently, A big sum of the wall has collapsed and in some subdivisions, merely its foundation remains, accroding to a five-year study ( Rossella Lorenzi, 2012 ) . On the other manus, subdivisions which are yet to be restored, known as â€Å"wild wall† and are non unfastened to the populace, besides suffer from semisynthetic harm. It could be found that local small towns frequently put up Fe ladders illicitly to pull tramps. It is frequently argued concentrated touristry is the chief cause for the harm done on the Wall, with most of the bricks in Badaling being carved with people’s names and graffito as back uping grounds. The Great Wall’s current saving work could be improved from several positions. First, it would be of import to educate the populace about the importance and cultural significance of stand foring their cultural individuality. Extra attention and fiscal support should be given to locals small towns populating near parts which are considered â€Å"wild walls. Most of the small towns are â€Å"damaging the Wall† merely because they are holding a tough life. It is possible that with equal fiscal support, the village’s load could be alleviated and no longer need to go on the aforesaid act. Planting trees can besides assist protect the countries from eroding. However, there are still suites for dialogue among cultural heritage organisations and Chinese authorities. Last but non least, tourers like us can besides take part in assisting the saving work. Merely as usual pattern when we visit foreign topographic points, we should ne'er go forth rubbish behind nor take away anything related to the Great Wall. Such undistinguished actions could lend a batch to the saving work to an extent far beyond our imaginativeness. Cultural significance of cultural site The Great Wall is the longest and oldest military munitions in the World, and ranks among the â€Å"Seven Wonders of the World† . It starts from Shanhaiguan Pass in the E and ends at Jiayuguan Pass in the West which is for protect the resist the invasion of mobile folks in different periods. The Great Wall was foremost built at the Spring and Autumn Period ( 770-476 BC ) and constructed at the Ming dynasties ( 1368-1644 ) , and the history reflected the significance and cultural significance behind the Great Wall. First of wholly, the Great Wall is a powerful symbol in China. It represents the fusion of China because it is a wall that made China was unified in the Qin Dynasty ( 221-206 BC ) . ( China Highlights, 2011 ) In the Spring and Autumn Period, the first portion of the Great Wall was built to against the war. The Great Wall had the intent of military defence, particularly in forestalling northern people on horseback from assailing people in the South. In the Qin dynasty ( 221 BC ) , King Zheng of Qin incorporate China by linked all the wall together and formed a dividing line in China. After Qin Shi Huang unified China, all of the Chinese worked together for the good of the state. ( Chen, 2014 ) Besides, the Great Wall is used as a spliting line to split the North and south nationality and maintain their civilization non affected by each other. Besides, the Great Wall helped to defence the northern people came and attacked China. In The â€Å" March of the Volunteers † which is t he National Anthem of the People ‘s Republic of China, the wordss â€Å"Take our flesh, and construct it to go a new Great Wall! † show that the Great Wall is the protection for the life and spirit of Chinese. ( Chiu, n.d. ) Second, the fables and narratives about the Great Wall show the cultural significance. As the Great Wall of China has become the symbol of the Chinese state and its civilization, there were tonss of beautiful fables and narratives happened during building are abundant, such as Meng Jiangnu ‘s narrative and the fable of the Beacon Tower. ( Travel China Guide, 2011 ) For the Meng Jiangnu ‘s narrative, it happened during the Qin Dynasty ( 221BC-206BC ) . Meng Jiangnu ‘s hubby was caught by federal functionaries and sent to construct the wall. After Meng knew her hubby was dead because of physique the wall, she cried and her ululation caused the prostration of a portion of the wall. This narrative shows the wall is the production of 10s of 1000s of Chinese common mans. Those beautiful narratives and legends about the wall are helpful to maintain the Chinese history and civilization. ( Travel China Guide, 2011 ) The Great Wall built to protect the civilization and agribusiness of China and support the onslaught from northern people. With the history and cultural significance of the Great Wall, it represents the spirit of Chinese as Chinese are tough and strong to protect themselves.DecisionReference List: [ Danny ]UNSECO, ( n.d. ) ,The Criteria for Selection. 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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Find Stories to Cover in Your Hometown

How to Find Stories to Cover in Your Hometown Are you looking for newsworthy stories to cover but don’t know where to start? Here are some places you can dig up ideas for news articles worth writing about right in your own hometown. Once you’re written your article, see if you can get it published in the local community paper, or put it on your blog. The Police Precinct If you want to cover the local crime beat, visit your local police precinct or station house (it’s good to call ahead first.) If you’re in a small town, get to know the police chief, detective and beat cops if you can. Ask them about any interesting cases or crimes they’ve handled recently, or ask to see the arrest log for a day-by-day listing of incidents. The Courthouse The local courthouse can be a treasure trove of stories. Your local district court will typically be where less-serious cases are dealt with – everything from traffic tickets to misdemeanor offenses – while a superior courthouse will be where felony trials are held. Check with the court clerk’s office to see what cases are due to be heard on any given day. Town Hall The city council, county commission, town board or village committee – whatever you call it, local government can be a rich source of stories for any reporter. Start by finding the website for your local town government. It will probably list times and even agendas for upcoming meetings. See what issues are being discussed, do some background research, then head to the meeting, pen and notebook in hand. The School Board School board meetings can also produce great stories. Again, school districts typically have websites that list school board meeting times and agendas. Such sites will probably list the members of the school board along with contact information, which can be useful for doing pre-meeting research or for doing interviews after the meeting. High School Sports Events Aspiring sportswriters need to look no further than their local high schools for games to cover. Many top sportswriters – those who cover the NFL, NBA, and MKB – got their start covering high school football, basketball and baseball games, among other sports. Check your high school’s website for schedules. Community Centers and Local Libraries Places like these often have bulletin boards listing upcoming events in your area. Such facilities also often host events like lectures from visiting speakers or authors or community forums. Art Galleries and Performing Arts Venues Is there a new exhibit by an up-and-coming artist at your local gallery? Review the exhibit or interview the artist. Is a community theater group performing a new play? Again, write a review or interview the actors or director. Local Colleges Colleges and universities typically host to a wide range of lectures, concerts, and forums that are often free and open to the public. Check the college’s website for listings of such events. Businesses Want to become a business writer? Interview local merchants for their thoughts on the state of the economy. Are their businesses thriving or struggling? Are new shops opening up or closing down on your local Main Street?